Team Lead
May 2024 - Present
I'm currently leading a team to create a mobile app for Texas Hearing Institute helping children work on speech perception and auditory awareness abilities.
June 2023 - May 2024
I worked on making a website for the Houston Ballet Nutcracker Market to allow people to navigate it easier. I became a much better front-end developer from this experience. Definitely became much more competent in being able to create websites from UI wireframes.
JPMorgan Chase
Software Engineer Intern
June - August 2024
I worked on the Credit Risk team where we made internal tooling that helps middle-level bank employees for giving loans out to people/companies. I re-made a feature that existed on a legacy application on a new application. Mostly I learned how to work on a corporate team that wasn't exclusively filled with interns.
Software Engineer Intern
May - August 2023
I was a sponge and tried to learn as much as I could about web-dev. We made a full-stack messaging app with React and SocketIO for the messaging. I only knew HTML and CSS before this and by the end I spearheaded the creation of the admin page! I had a lot of really smart people on my team who I tried to learn as much as I could from.